14 February 2006

Duck Cheney

I find myself reading a fascinating story about our Vice President. Apparently, he accidentally shot a friend. Now the entertaining thing about this is the way the media does everything they can to make this sound more palatable. The media reported that the lawyer was "peppered" or "sprayed" with "bird shot." This clearly makes the incident seem better for...for the man not in intensive care with pellets in his heart. Let's be serious here, the man got shot in the face with a shotgun. He would be missing his face if he hadn't been 30 feet away. Shot in the face while hunting with the Vice President whom did not have a valid duck stamp. Ok, so let's get the headline right.

Vice President Shoots Man in Face While Poaching!

Now isn't that the headline you would expect to see if it were anyone else but the Vice President involved? What happened to ethical reporting and a media with a backbone?

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